
About Business Network

BouslaDI is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political organization established and registered in 2014 in Istanbul–Turkey. BouslaDI provides comprehensive programs to equip the next generation of Syrian individuals from both genders and institutions with the knowledge and the skills necessary to rebuild their communities because we believe that the strong, independent and progressive civil society which is working together, can change the world.

BouslaDI believes in justice, dignity, accountability, diversity and inclusion. Therefore, BouslaDI has helped small and medium-size organizations and individuals with their differences to be more productive, collaborative, and creative by empowering their teams and individuals. We have done this by creating and facilitating human-centred bespoke programs that combine quality and expertise, ensuring that personal, business and training goals are met with imagination, flair, professionalism, and great beneficiaries’ service.


Bousla Contact Information

Company Information

December 15, 2021